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Beaverton Schools


Attendance Overview
  1. Attending school/class is the single most important factor in a student’s academic success.
  2. Parents must contact the school on the morning of a student's absence(s) to excuse an absence.
  3. The attendance line number is 503-356-2890.
  4. Have the following information ready to report:
    1.          Student's full name (please spell uncommon names)
    2.          Student's six-digit student I.D. number
    3.          Your name and relationship to student (mom, guardian, etc.)
    4.          Reason for absence (from the list below)
      1.           Illness
      2.           Medical appointment
      3.           Family Emergency
      4.           Death in the immediate family
      5.           Pre-arranged absence
      6.           Religious holiday
      7.           School sponsored field trip
      8.           Administrative reason
  5. If parents/guardians have called in to excuse the absence, students should go directly to class upon their return. There is no need to stop at the attendance desk, as the absence has already been excused.
  6. If absences have not been excused, the absence will remain marked as unexcused. An unexcused absence triggers an autodialer phone call home the afternoon of the absence. Parents/Guardians may also send a note with their student to excuse them the following day. All absences must be called in or cleared within 24 hours in order to be excused. For absences of longer than two days, it is recommended that students email their teachers and communicate with them about homework expectations.
  7. Any student leaving school early must check out through the office PRIOR to leaving. Otherwise, it is an unexcused absence. Work missed during unexcused absences may not be able to be made up.

Hall Pass Policy

In an effort to maintain school-wide safety and student accountability, students are required to obtain a Hall Pass or Bathroom Pass from a teacher or staff member prior to leaving the classroom or supervised area.  Students are not to leave class without permission. Students found without a pass will be escorted back to class and may receive additional consequences.

Supervision on School Grounds

Southridge opens to students at 7:15 a.m. on school days, at which time students are permitted to arrive. There is no supervision prior to this time. Supervision ends at 3:00 p.m., which is 30 minutes after dismissal time on a normal schedule. Students are expected to be picked up or gone from campus by this time unless they are participating in a school-sponsored after-school activity or working under the direct supervision of a staff member.

Consequences for Unexcused Absences

Students who “skip” class will face disciplinary consequences based on the BSD Student Parent Resource Handbook. Consequences range from administrative intervention to suspension.

Consequences for Tardies

Students should organize their time so they are not late to class. The first three tardies will be dealt with by the student's teacher and may result in appropriate, natural consequences. Any subsequent tardies may be referred to school administrators for additional consequences.

Off-Campus Violations

Southridge has a closed campus, as per School Board policy. An "off campus" violation may result in an after-school detention. Parent(s) will be notified, and in repeated cases, students can also have their parking privileges revoked.

Attendance Definitions


An absence is recorded if a student misses more than 1/2 a class period.

Excused Absence

Absence caused by: the student's illness; serious illness of a member of the student's family; death in the immediate family; an emergency; conferring with a staff member; prearranged absence for field trips, doctor and dental appointments, college visitations; competitive athletic or other co-curricular activities; and religious holidays.


Arriving late to class; excused tardies must be accompanied by a note from a staff member. Unexcused tardies may result in work being missed that cannot be made up.

Unexcused absence

The student's parent(s) or guardian(s) have knowledge of the absence, but it is not for a reason that would be granted as an excused absence (i.e., haircuts, shopping, going to the store, recreation, sleeping in, running home for books). Students who are absent for unexcused reasons may not receive course credit for any make-up work.

Make-up work

Make-up work for excused absences is to be at the teacher’s convenience (before or after class or during extended period) and must be completed during the time frame agreed upon by the teacher and student.

Pre-arranged absence

An excused absence arranged in advance by the parent(s) and student; the required paperwork is obtained at the Attendance Desk and the student is required to keep up with  all class work missed. The teacher may assign alternative activities in lieu of the regular assignment.