Community Service
Community Service and Volunteerism is a component at Southridge High School that helps students become engaged with the community beyond the classroom. Keeping a log of the volunteerism or the time spent in an activity allows a student to receive elective credit as well as qualify for service recognition at graduation.
60 hours = 0.5 credit, 120 hours = 1.0 credit. Hours accumulated beyond 120 will count toward the 200 hour service recognition award.
Community Service and Volunteerism hours may be earned through general volunteerism or student-generated projects. All service activities must be coordinated with the student's counselor. Community Service and Volunteer projects may be completed at any time of the year, including summers, as agreed upon with the counselor.
Students should complete the below Community Service for Credit forms with their counselor and keep an ongoing log identifying the service given, the date, and the hours for that activity. A site supervisor or mentor should sign their initials verifying each day's activity. Any previous service activities logged last year should be reviewed with your counselor when establishing the service for credit agreement. If you need one of the below forms to be in another language, please see your counselor.
Students need to turn in their signed counselor agreement form to their counselor by May 1 in order for Community Service to be added to the transcript for that year.
Community Service for Credit Form - English
Servicio Comunitario para Credito Formulario - Spanish
Websites with Service Learning and Community Service opportunities: