A strong science education is essential for creating scientifically literate learners who are empowered to improve their lives, communities, and the world.
Students must develop critical thinking skills to observe, question, and explain the world around them. Students achieve this through active engagement in the following practices of science and engineering as outlined in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS):
Asking questions and defining problems
Developing and using models
Planning and carrying out investigations
Analyzing and interpreting data
Using mathematics and computational thinking
Constructing explanations and designing solutions
Engaging in argument from evidence
Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Through engagement in these practices, students will build a deep understanding of the core ideas of science as well as the ability to apply concepts across disciplines, developing an intuitive sense of how the world works. Students will be critical thinkers who develop solution-focused ideas and evidence-based perspectives, preparing them to solve personal, community and global challenges.
For students to achieve these goals, teachers will provide varied opportunities for students to engage in rigorous, accessible, and challenging curriculum and provide student-centered instruction. Inquiry and engineering tasks should leverage the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and abilities of each student in a collaborative environment. Curriculum, instruction, and assessment must be differentiated to meet the needs of each learner, be relevant to the lives of students, utilize appropriate technology, and have a real-world context. Through these experiences, students will learn to challenge their assumptions, critically consume information, and act independently.
The Patterns High School Science Sequence is a three-year course pathway and curriculum aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The sequence consists of freshman physics, sophomore chemistry, and junior biology courses. Each course utilizes common instructional strategies and real-world phenomena and design challenges that engage students in rigorous learning experiences. The curriculum is a combination of teacher-generated and curated open-content materials.
Patterns Physics
A lab-based instructional resource for 9th grade Physics. Using the processes of scientific inquiry, engineering design, and critical thinking students discover and apply patterns in such major physics topics as motion, forces & momentum, energy, waves, and electromagnetism. An important aim of this resource is to develop and build students’ math abilities, performance in problem solving, scientific literacy, and technical communication skills that will be built upon in future science courses, college, and career. This resource addresses all required physics, inquiry, and engineering standards as well as select earth and space science standards from the Next Generation Science Standards.
Patterns Chemistry
A lab-based instructional resource for 10th grade Chemistry. Using the processes of scientific inquiry, engineering design, and critical thinking students discover and apply patterns in such major chemistry topics as kinetic molecular theory, atomic structure, nuclear chemistry, bonding, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, equilibrium, and thermochemistry. This instructional resource builds on the skills developed in physics and expands the use of patterns to more complex functions and trends, also building on communication and technological skills. This resource addresses all required chemistry, inquiry, and engineering standards as well as select earth and space science standards from the Next Generation Science Standards.
Patterns Biology
A lab-based instructional resource for 11th grade Biology. Using the processes of scientific inquiry, engineering design, and critical thinking students discover and apply patterns in such major biology topics as ecological biodiversity, biomolecules, cells, the function and development of organisms, genomics, evolution, the carbon cycle, and matter and energy in ecosystems. This instructional resource builds on the skills developed in physics and chemistry and expands the use of statistical, technological, problem solving, and communication skills. This resource addresses all required life science, inquiry, and engineering standards as well as select earth and space science standards from the Next Generation Science Standards.
In addition to the Patterns units of instruction, the Teacher Cadre has proposed we maintain the use of the physical textbooks from our last adoption, which are still in good condition and supply. These are primarily used for homework, reference, and supplementation. These texts are:
Physics 1/STEM Physics: Hewitt Conceptual Physics
Chemistry 1: Living by Chemistry
STEM Chemistry: Chemistry by Wilbraham, et. al.
Biology 1: Biology by Miller and Levine
Phase I of the Science curriculum, which includes grades 9-12, was adopted by the School Board on May 20, 2019. The adoption process followed the procedures outlined in the Instructional Materials Selection Administrative Regulation II/IIA-AR.